Mouseborg's Insignia



A colophon is a section of a book that gives details to its creation, usually found at the end. My site has one to do just that and give credit where credit is due.


The main site is written by hand in pure HTML with a handmade template using GNU Emacs.

The stylesheet and structure of the pages are based on that of Ludicrital.

Ludicrital's CSS, which is under CC0, was copied and modified to use my color palette and support other features I use.

Unless otherwise stated, all HTML, text, CSS, code, and any other resources on this site are under CC0.

It is currently hosted on Codeberg Pages.


The site is configure to use the user's system ui font.

The colors throughout the site are quantized to the RGB332 color palette and possess a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 in accordance with the WCAG Level AA criterion. They also are chosen to avoid irritating people's eyes.