Mouseborg's Insignia


What I use

N.B. I don't care what you use as long as you don't do anything stupid like write code in wordpad or some shit.


My computers have names based on developers I came across in the interwebz. The names are not exactly the same, for obvious reasons, but are related nonetheless.


My main computer. Formerly had Windope$ 10(Stupid for many reasons), but now runs Linux Mint. A bit slow, especially when multitasking, and hates SDL for some reason(a little help here?) but gets the job done


A Fire tablet I liberated from FireOS to CyanogenMod. A tablet version of Eievui, if you will


I'm not listing any preinstalled Google apps I have on my phone because I doubt you are interested. If I don't list anything for Eievui, that generally means I use the default stuff preinstalled. Anything that isn't labeled with a specific device should be assumed to be used by all devices.